This morning I woke up with a recurring thought about a problem at work. I went to my journal and wrote about it.
I’ve been journaling every day for five years. It does a lot for me; it transforms fear into action.
Daily, our ideas are running in our minds. Most of the time, the same ones are moving in circles. It’s difficult to see the pattern as it is like a non-conscious activity. The loop is rarely positive.
It’s often linked to something we worry about, something we have forgotten, something we are afraid of…
Thinking is a positive thing. It allows us to grow, imagine, and build. But some passive thinking creates more anxiety than energy.
How to transform it from anxiety to energy?
By writing, you identify and crystallize the fear. You’re now seeing what disturbs you.
You can then ask trigger questions.
- What is the fear behind this thought?
- What is the worst case?
- What can I do as a next step?
It helps to move from anxiety on nebulous reasons to actions on a specific topic.
How to start?
- Start tiny: write 1 line only. You’ll then write more if you need.
- Do it daily: before opening the door to the external world ๐ (your phone, tablet, computer), explore your internal one.
- Review it: once a week, revisit what you wrote. What are the patterns? Did what scared you last week really happen? Reflect on it.
Enjoy the practice.
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