In the film "Hidden Figures", based on a true story, Dorothy Vaughan gives us a lesson on how to become indispensable in a structure. In a difficult context, the 1960s in Virginia, where racial and gender segregation is everyday life, Dorothy imposes herself and becomes the first female supervisor … [Read more...] about How do you make yourself indispensable at work? 5 ideas from the movie “Hidden Figures” to advance your career.
Want to be more productive and happy? Try these 3 constraints.
Michael Hyatt compares work to water. It seeps into every available space. And the advancement of technology helps him. "I have a 10-minute wait, I might as well check my email.""Instead of walking 20 minutes, I can reread my presentation.""I'll finish this analysis tonight, after dinner." … [Read more...] about Want to be more productive and happy? Try these 3 constraints.
My Job Takes All My Time. How to Regain Control Of My Life?
My job takes all my time. I understand that feeling—the sentiment of not having time for your passions, friends, and family. The sensation of being in a washing machine that never stops and that you have no control over. Normal since we are in it 😀 And after all, we only have … [Read more...] about My Job Takes All My Time. How to Regain Control Of My Life?
How To Gain More Tranquility And Freedom In 4 Steps?
We run after the next object. It's supposed to bring us more happiness. The latest iPhone, camera, a new car, house…We idolize it as our savior.“If I had it, my life would be so much better, easier.” I understand. It's tempting; armies of marketers are experts in making us want. The little movie … [Read more...] about How To Gain More Tranquility And Freedom In 4 Steps?
The Illusion Of Focus. Achieving Your Big Dreams Won’t Radically Change Your Life, But Here Is Why The Journey Is Worth Every Minute.
We often have too many illusions about our next big goal. But is it true? The experts on the subject answer "No" and my experience is the same. “When people consider the impact of any single factor on their well-being—not only income—they are prone to exaggerate its … [Read more...] about The Illusion Of Focus. Achieving Your Big Dreams Won’t Radically Change Your Life, But Here Is Why The Journey Is Worth Every Minute.