In the film "Hidden Figures", based on a true story, Dorothy Vaughan gives us a lesson on how to become indispensable in a structure. In a difficult context, the 1960s in Virginia, where racial and gender segregation is everyday life, Dorothy imposes herself and becomes the first female supervisor … [Read more...] about How do you make yourself indispensable at work? 5 ideas from the movie “Hidden Figures” to advance your career.
Want to deliver impactful messages. Simplify. Here are 4 ideas.
We've all been to a presentation where the only thing on the audience's mind is, "I hope this is the last slide." We tend to make things complex. "Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity. —Charles Mingus You want … [Read more...] about Want to deliver impactful messages. Simplify. Here are 4 ideas.
How to prepare your meetings with intention? Have you ever tried this simple technique?
I read the book Coaching for Performance by John Whitmore years ago. And I'm rereading it on Kindle. I have to since I gave it away along with over 200 other books after I experienced emptying my house using the Marie Kondo method. (By the way, I don't regret it) So, I don't know if it's … [Read more...] about How to prepare your meetings with intention? Have you ever tried this simple technique?
Have You Noticed That The Easy “Yes” Of A Few Weeks Ago Is Getting More Complex As The Date Approaches? And Why Saying “No” Helps You Achieve More.
If it's not a straight “Yes”, it's a “No”. I've read that Charlie Munger takes 5 seconds to decide, leading him to say "No" 90% of the time. And yet, he doesn't seem to have missed much. "If you say 'No' ninety percent of the time, you're not missing much in the world." —Charlie … [Read more...] about Have You Noticed That The Easy “Yes” Of A Few Weeks Ago Is Getting More Complex As The Date Approaches? And Why Saying “No” Helps You Achieve More.
The art of correction. How journaling helps you to constantly adapt and win more?
We often think, wrongly, that we can prepare for anything? And once we have done so, our tasks, our projects, our life will unfold as planned. But it is never (or rarely, luck exists😀) the case? So should we not prepare anything? No, that would be a mistake. You … [Read more...] about The art of correction. How journaling helps you to constantly adapt and win more?