I’ve often seen talents miss career advancement, promotion, executive roles for the same reason.
They overthink the opportunity.
In my 22 years of corporate career, I’ve had the chance to go from junior salesman to executive.
Here are my 4 proven steps to nail every career opportunity

Photo de Karolina Grabowska
4 proven steps to nail every career opportunity.
1/Have an intention about your career ambitions.
I want to manage teams or become a specialist in…
I want to become executive, VP, Managing Director, Project Manager…
2/Career advancement plan. Define a potential path.
Remain flexible. A career advancement plan never goes as expected, but it’s essential to have one. Adapt it along the way. You will (maybe) arrive at your destination with a completely different journey.
3/Career growth : Avoid “Analysis paralysis”
If the opportunity can help you progress. Go for it. It’s part of your career growth journey.
Don’t try to have answers for everything. Whatever you do, there will still be uncertainties. This is the risk (and the beauty) involved in change.
4/ What’s the worst-case scenario for my promotion?
The question to help you decide when it scares you (and it’s always)
Take a paper, write down the worst-case scenario and imagine your options.
Can you deal with it?
Every time I got a promotion, I had chances to fail.
My worst-case scenario: being fired.
My options : A file in Evernote where I wrote down all my ideas (Financial Independence was one of them😀).
There will never be an (interesting) promotion without risks.
If you don’t want to take any, change your intention (Point1). Otherwise, don’t miss your chance. The more you progress, the rarer they become.
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