Influence is earned through our daily actions.
Without it :
- Our projects don’t move forward.
- We lose confidence.
- We get frustrated
Influence is everywhere. At work and at home.
It’s happened to all of us.
- We believe in a project, but no one follows.
- We see the solution but can’t get the others on board.
Our first reflex. If only I had…
In reality, we don’t need anything to influence.
How to become more influential: even without a fancy title
21 subtle ways to increase your influence, with or without a title.
1. You align what you say with what you do.
Follow through on your promises and commitments.
“I’m committed to continuous learning, so I’ve enrolled in this leadership coaching program.”
2. You defend what you believe is right, even when it’s unpopular.
Speak up when it goes against your values.
“We have to go fast, but we also have to pay attention to our people. How can we do it differently?”
3. You don’t speak negatively about others behind their backs.
If you have an issue, address it directly with the person.
‘Let’s talk to that person directly.”
4. You speak well of others, even when they’re not around.
Praise colleagues’ work and contributions publicly.
“Sarah gave a great presentation. She contributes a lot to our success.”
5. You show the same level of respect to the cleaning staff as you do to the CEO.
Treat everyone with courtesy and kindness.
“Good morning, Maria! How was your weekend?”
6. You’re on time, regardless of who you’re meeting with.
Value everyone’s time equally.
We’ve got to stop here, I’ve got a meeting in 15 minutes. Thanks
7. You don’t easily commit, but you honor your words once you do.
Think before you commit, then follow through.
“Let me check my schedule before I commit.”
8. You don’t cancel appointments at the last minute.
Respect others’ schedules and plan accordingly.
“I can’t. I already have an appointment. “
9. You remain calm, even when chaos surrounds you.
Take a deep breath and focus on finding solutions.
“Let’s take a deep breath and solve this.”
10. You accept feedback graciously.
Simply say “thank you” and not “yes, but…”
“Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it.”
My process to help you get more than 12 feedbacks per month.
11. You ask questions to understand, not to prove you’re right.
Ask open-ended questions to gain perspective.
“Can you tell me more about your concerns?”
12. You listen to understand, not to respond.
Focus on actively listening to the speaker’s message.
“I’m listening. Tell me more.”
13. You encourage your team to find THEIR solutions.
There’s more than one way to get there.
“What would you do if you could decide?”
14. You let them pursue their options.
Trust your team’s judgment and give them autonomy.
“I trust your judgment, go ahead and implement your solution.”
15. You encourage people to focus on solutions.
Frame challenges as opportunities for improvement.
“Instead of dwelling on the problem, let’s brainstorm some solutions.”
16. You come prepared for your meetings.
Review the agenda and relevant materials beforehand.
“I’ve reviewed the agenda and reports. Let’s discuss.”
17. You help people focus on the essentials.
Prioritize tasks and cut out unnecessary distractions.
“What are the top three things we need to achieve this week?”
18. You simplify complexity.
Break down complex issues into smaller, manageable steps.
“Let’s break this project into smaller milestones.”
19. You help identify the next action.
Clarify the next steps and who is responsible.
“So, the next step is to gather customer feedback. Sarah, can you take the lead on that?”
20. You try first to understand, then to be understood
Ask clarifying questions to ensure you understand their perspective.
“Can you explain your reasoning behind that suggestion?”
To find out more.
How Empathy And Active Listening Can Boost Your Projects (and Your Success)
21. You confidently say, “I don’t know.”
Admit knowledge gaps and be willing to learn.
“I’don’t know, let me find out out and get back to you.”
An excellent book to go further on this point
Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know by Adam Grant

Think about leading projects that everyone loves. See your ideas become real and your career grow. That’s what influence can do. It makes your dreams happen and turns you into a leader (with or without title) people want to follow.
Frustrated that your ideas aren’t getting the attention they deserve? Let’s have a 30-minute discovery call to see if we can work together on this project.
See you soon.
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