On the web, you read a lot of advice about good routines to start or end your day. They won't work for you for two reasons. (at least) 3 steps to create the routine that will work for you Don't add (again) an imposed constraint, create your own. If you liked this short post, … [Read more...] about Other People’s Routines Will (rarely) Work For You
Ideas, reflections about growth in a short format
A principle for not giving up on your New Year’s resolutions in the first few weeks (which works for me).
It's almost time for good New Year's resolutions. To avoid abandoning them in the first few weeks. Try a different approach. Focus on the process more than the results. Developing a relationship, reaping the rewards of an investment, building a career or a business all take time. Make … [Read more...] about A principle for not giving up on your New Year’s resolutions in the first few weeks (which works for me).
Be realistic when you plan and optimistic when you execute
Any behavior change you initiate: Now that you know, stay optimistic about the execution. Being realistic saves you a lot of frustration.Being optimistic inspires you to keep going. If you liked this post, consider signing up for my newsletter. Related … [Read more...] about Be realistic when you plan and optimistic when you execute
My Problem Is Temporary. A Belief That Can Change Your Life
What do you think about when you feel overwhelmed? Take a concrete example and analyze the situation. You will often find the concept of permanence. The difference between manageable difficulties and those that become more serious is (often) hidden in a belief. My problem is temporary or … [Read more...] about My Problem Is Temporary. A Belief That Can Change Your Life
How To Achieve Financial Independence Faster? Focus On Attacking Principles Rather Than Defensive Tactics
The secret to financial independence. EarnSaveInvest But often the focus is (too much) on saving money. So a whole bunch of tactics is born on the internet. How to save money while shopping.This bank Vs., This insurance Vs.,Buy your coffee here instead of there... But doing all … [Read more...] about How To Achieve Financial Independence Faster? Focus On Attacking Principles Rather Than Defensive Tactics